Saturday, December 4, 2010

Shanghai Knights?

A few days ago, I received an email from former classmate Alfred Wong (Form 5Sc, 1976). Here is an excerpt ...

"Dear WJ, 
I was on a whirlwind trip to Shanghai last week and managed to catch up with our old classmate, Jimmy Kho for coffee and a long chat as I have not seen him since 1976. I was supposed to meet up with another prominent classmate, Dr Sim Pheng Siew but did not managed to do so as I did not realize that he is now based in Wuhan instead of Shanghai. My apologies to Dr Sim for already making the arrangement to fly down to Shanghai to meet me and Jimmy the next day but I have to leave the next day so did not manage to meet him in the end. I will definately find time to see you during my next China trip, Dr Sim.

Anyway, Jimmy and myself had a long chat on our lives since leaving St Joe. He is a China expert, having lived and worked in several major cities in the country in the last decade or so. Jimmy is now in the coffee supply business and doing great. His three older children are all in Melbourne pursuing or finishing Masters Degrees in various disciplines and my congratulations to you, Jimmy for achieving this commendable feat as a parent. 
I must also thank you, WJ for connecting our former classmates via the wonderful blog without which, i would not have been able to meet up with classmates like Dr Chong Chi Nai (based in Laos), Kevin Chin and Paul Tang (Perth) and Jimmy Kho (Shanghai) in the last six months. And before I forgot,one of my former Nottingham coursemate from Malaysia which I have lost contact since 1982 have now made contact with me through the St Joe blog! Thanks again, James.


Looking good, guys !


  1. Men in black (MIB) ...

  2. Shanghai Triad taiko's

  3. Who took the photo?

  4. A beautiful Korean girl took the photo, forgot to ask for her numbers, staying nearby the hotel...

  5. yah, the movie "Shanghai Knights" had a pretty girl, starring beside Owen Wilson and Jacky Chan. Where are u guys hiding her? hehehe

  6. Alfred Wong deserves the title of "Roving Reporter" as he travels to many distant locations connecting with former classmates.

  7. We still don't have a recent photo of Dr Sim Pheng Siew. Alfred, that is your next mission!
