Sunday, May 22, 2011

History of St Joseph's School book

I'm posting this just so that former Josephians who don't know of the existence of this little publication will be informed. This book was written by Brother Hilary McGroary. I think it is still available for purchase from the school office (anyone who knows, care to comment?)

A lot of interesting information and photos are included in this book. Of course, there will definitely need to be a revised and updated edition because this volume has one notable omission - I'm not in it ! LOL.

But it's quite ok. I forgive them since my old man is featured in there.


  1. Does it contain history of the Primary School too?

    It will be nice to get hold of one. After all, we are part of that history...The Mighty 1976s.....

  2. Yes CLK, it includes Primary School too. And your uncle, my Principal then :)

  3. If don't have from the office, I am willing to photocopy mine and sell copies to any interested for a good margin :)

    Who says St Joe School didn't teach us entrepreneural skills?

  4. The books already sold out meh? Think I better drop by one of these days to get the book.

    Wei, towkay, how much you're selling the photocopy ones? You got lesen to reprint the books or not?

  5. @Sabun King - Pssssst ... we do the transaction in a dark lorong and copied magazine will be passed to you in black plastic bag. I accept cash in unmarked bills only, k? Lesen? What you joke ah?

  6. St Joe should send complimentary copy to all former students. No need for payment. But they can ask for voluntary donation. I m sure the Datos and Datuks and towkays will generously contribute.

  7. WJ, maybe you can write Volume 2 of dis book Can call it "History of St Joe, with special focus on the Seventies". Can?
