Saturday, June 2, 2012

St Joe Private - Update (2 June 2012)

Here's a photo that shows where classes for St Joseph's Private School are currently being conducted, while the new buildings are being developed.

As some of you may know, this is also the premises for Tadika St Jude, and formerly where St Bernadette's School was.

More news later on St Joe Private, as I get them. If any of you hear any interesting news, do let me know. Thanks.


  1. Will St Joe Private and the current St Joe combine?

  2. Is it a rubbish bins collection depo?

  3. Any photos of the new building of SJPS ?

  4. The photo didn't show any classes but just the signboard. Behind the signboard is Tadika St. Jude building.
    St.Joseph Private School building is to the left side of the photo, painted in grey colour I think.
